Sunday, January 3, 2010


Author :- Jaymala

Values-Teaching in Public Education

Heresy you say? Wasn't digit of the reasons for open education— besides getting the kids discover of the factories so adults could have the jobs—the fostering of the values of the culture? To perpetuate the values of the society? No way, you say.

Oh, but I do! Schools are a open responsibility, owned by the public, for the open good, but do they have the right to teach a planned set of values? I believe teachers have a professional obligation to do meet that.

Several years ago when I was doctrine a collection in ninth grade English I had assigned William Saroyan's wonderful brief story, \"The Parsley Garden.\" Briefly, the news was about a boy who stole an item from a store and was caught.

The discourse I asked my collection was \"Was the boy a thief?\" Fifteen of the 25 students felt he was not a felon and the boy should not have been forced to sit in the manager's office for long fifteen minutes; something my students felt humiliating for the boy to endure.

I next asked why they thought he was not a thief. These students reasoned that he was not a felon because he was not over sixteen years old and the item he stole was not of any great value. I directed the discussion around what constituted thievery.

Many felt if an item taken was worth twenty fivesome dollars or more it would be thievery. The memory of that lingers today and I wonder if teachers 'dare' to teach values in today's gild which is movement faster than the desert sands.

Today's children are not meet stealing; they are commerce drugs, robbing people, involved in prostitution, raping and killing digit another. Are there not a set a values, no concern the political or religious or racial views that transcend? I believe there are.

Some of these values are inculcated in our laws. Obvious ones much as you don't blackball people, you don't rob people, you don't assault people.

Others that certainly transcend the political, the religious, and racial motif include respect for others, withhold judgment until the facts are known, fairness, and self-worth. Certainly these are substantially within the purview of the teacher.

Even though sex, abortion, gay/lesbian issues, assisted suicide, inter-racial marriage, religious and or political beliefs are viable issues in movement the sands of the domestic conscience, they may be better dealt with elsewhere. The values I have proposed are more fundamental to human existence.

Are teachers only to be responsible for person content? For the disbursement of planned sets of facts? Some people will say it is the domain of the parent to inculcate a significance of values.

There certainly is no discourse that the parental input is significant, but who has that female sextet or more hours a day in a structured learning climate?

The teacher! With the advent of multiple after-school activities for students that time element increases. Schools have extended their day and some are considering extending the school year.